Combination 3: Initial interview + ADHD/ ADD medication start-up only

12.400,00 kr.

Forudsætter at du enten er udredt hos Privatpsykiater eller medbringer skriftlig dokumentation for udredning hos psykiater eller specialpsykolog, der er under 2 år gammel.
Startsamtale + 5 samtaler + 3 tlf. opfølgninger

SKU: 1023-2 Category:


Start conversation

  • Assessment/treatment consultation including prescription if necessary
  • Includes one hour of work divided into approximately 45 minutes of conversation and approximately 15 minutes of administration and statutory record keeping.
  • VAT free


ADHD/ ADD-kun medicinopstart

  • Forudsætter at du medbringer skriftlig udredning inkl tests fra psykiater eller specialpsykolog som er mindre end 2 år gammel.
  • Et behandlingsforløb indeholder fem samtaler og tre telefonsamtaler.
  • Den første samtale er af cirka 45 minutters varighed, mens de sidste fire samtaler er cirka 20 minutter, og de tre telefonopfølgninger er af cirka 15 minutters varighed. Sammen med Startsamtalen er det ialt 6 samtaler.
  • The issuing of any prescriptions is included in the programme.
  • The conversations can be conducted in person or on video. However, according to the Danish Health Authority's guidelines, interviews with prescriptions for stimulant medication must take place in Hillerød at least every three months.
  • At the end of the programme, written information is sent to your GP, who is then responsible for further treatment.
  • Opinions and certificates are subject to additional fees.
  • VAT free
  • Payable in advance
  • It is possible to pay with MobilePay (add the patient's name in the app), but we prefer that you pay through the webshop:

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