ADHD assessment and medication initiation
Assessment for ADHD
The waiting time to be assessed for ADHD/ADD has increased significantly over the past year. It's frustrating to wait for an assessment if it limits your ability to live your life.
To meet the need for ADHD/ADD assessment, Privatpsykiater has put together two programmes that can get you through faster so you can move on. Every Friday, doctor Kate Aamund and psychiatrist Peter Mark will treat patients with this particular problem.
Who do you want to meet?
The assessment for ADHD/ADD consists of both tests and interviews.
During your programme, you will meet both doctor Kate Aamund and psychiatrist Peter Mark.
Doctor Kate Aamund and psychiatrist Peter Mark are responsible for assessment and treatment.
Course of events
All programmes start with an initial consultation. Then comes the treatment package, of which we offer different ones depending on whether you have already been assessed elsewhere or not.
Select start conversation and package under Pricing and payment